Natasha Lewinger & Haris Mihail – Tango
Natasha Lewinger and Haris Mihail both started their tango in 2007 and their paths crossed at the beginning of 2016. They both love social dancing and especially the milonguero style. In their dance and in their classes, they value the connection, the musicality, dynamics, elegance and the necessary technical fundamentals.
Natasha and Haris are among the newcomerstars of the tango scene and we are happy to have them on board again.
Natasha is from Montevideo (Uruguay), the grace of her dance, her never-ending legs and her embrace are legendary.
She can adapt fantastically to different styles and leaders, making her a true milonguera! Natasha is also an excellent leader and speaks very good English.
Natascha & Harris @ youtube No1
Natascha & Harris @ youtube No2